Laghu Vajrasana (Little Thunderbolt)- An Overview
Vajrasana is an entry level yoga exercise which can be performed after the meals to improve digestion and boost the body metabolism. In Sanskrit language, Vajra means thunderbolt and asana means posture. That’s why it is also known as the thunderbolt pose.
We have already discussed in length and breadth about the vajrasana pose in an early post.
Read more: Vajrasana after the meals
Today, we are going to know about one of its variations- Laghu Vajrasana.
Laghu Vajrasana (Little Thunderbolt)
This is an advanced, intense version of vajrasana and one should try it only after getting perfection in vajrasana and supta vajrasana. Initially, it should be practiced under the supervision of a yoga expert.
Read more: How to practice Supta Vajrasana
- Get down on your knees with your thighs perpendicular to the floor
- Slowly lift your chest to stretch your spine
- Grasp your ankles with the hands
- Slowly bend backward and try to take the crown (top of the head) as close as possible to the floor
- Try to breathe normally and stay in this pose for at least 5 breaths initially. Gradually, increase the time- up to 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat it for 3 to 5 times as per your comfort.
Video tutorial link- Click here
Health benefits of Laghu Vajrasana
Just like vajrasana, laghu vajrasana aids in digestion, speed up the body metabolism and makes your body muscles flexible and strong.
Let us summarize them as below:
- Improved digestion
- Super flexible spine
- Improves flexibility of knees and ankles to prevent arthritis and gout attacks
- Provides strength to the whole abdomen area, particularly the intestines
- It is a wonderful exercise for the chest. It strengthen and widen the chest muscles
- Tone up the thighs, belly and limbs
- Gives strength to the back. If you are dealing with sciatica or back problem, practice laghu vajrasana regularly.
Precautionary measures
Avoid Laghu vajrasana if you are dealing with any of the below health conditions:
- Severe joint pain, arthritis or gout
- Injury or surgery related to knees, legs, back or neck
- High blood pressure
- Chronic back pain or slip disc
Women during pregnancy (during the first trimester) and menstrual periods can practice laghu vajrasana under strict supervision of a yoga teacher.