Lemon water for Eczema: Natural Treatment of Eczema
If you are looking for natural ways of eczema management, then drinking warm lemon in the morning is certainly the way to go for you.
Eczema is one of the most complex and stubborn skin problems. The patient would experience red, flaky skin patches on various parts of the body. The skin inflammation and itching further worsen the scenario. The medical science is still clueless about the exact cause and treatment of this skin ailment. Basically, it is an autoimmune disorder where the faulty immune system targets the body’s own healthy tissues instead of protecting them. It happens because the overactive immune system perceives the healthy tissues as foreign invaders (disease causing microbes, toxins and allergens).
The conventional pharma medicines doesn’t guarantee a long term relief and these steroidal medicines always impose a danger of side effects when used in the long term. That’s why a lot of people are getting interested in natural ways to manage eczema.
When we talk about holistic (natural) healing of eczema- it means that we are not just targeting the affected skin, but the body as a whole. We believe that eczema patches on the skin are just a reflection of something wrong inside. So, better we sort out the inner body issues to bring the long term healing effect.
Body Detoxification is the first step for Holistic healing of Eczema
Your body has a set of eliminatory organs through which toxins (body waste) are eliminated on a regular basis:
- Through liver/ colon in the form of stool
- Through kidney in the form of urine
- Through skin in the form of sweat
- Through the lungs by breathing out
Here, liver and kidney are the chief eliminatory organs- liver being the most prominent one. If due to any reason, the body toxins start to build up in your body, then the liver and kidney would overwork to get rid of these toxins. Due to continuous overload, these organs would get impaired and then the toxins would make a way out through the skin in the form of eczema. Hence, if we can reverse this condition- if we can eliminate the accumulated toxins off the body- then the skin would automatically heal.
In short, Eczema is a gut related disorder where the sluggish body metabolism (compromised digestive system) is the main culprit.
Let us go through few of the reasons for increase in body toxins:
- Chronic constipation and indigestion
- Disturbed gut flora (less number of healthy bacteria than the bad ones)
- Food intolerance
- Excessive consumption of alcohol
- Excessive consumption of processed foods rich in salt, sugar and saturated fats
- Prolonged consumption of antibiotics and steroids
- Genetic problems
- Disturbed lifestyle
- High level of stress and anxiety
Holistic (natural) healing of eczema comprises of below steps:
- A restricted, healthy diet
- Positive lifestyle
- Stress management
- Consumption of dietary supplements and herbs
- Use of natural topical creams and oils instead of steroidal ones
Lemon water for Eczema
We have just discussed in brief about the steps to be taken for long term, safe, natural healing of eczema. So, how lemon water can help here? Is this cheap natural beverage can really make the life better for people dealing with eczema?
Let us find out…
Lemon is a citrus fruit- rich in vitamin C, minerals and bio-flavonoids (plant chemicals) which have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.
Nutritional content
Serving size – One average size lemon (it would yield around 47 grams of lemon juice.)
Just one lemon provides around 36% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C. It is simply incredible..isn’t it? Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells to regulate the body immunity and it is a well known nutrient for healthy skin due to its potent antioxidant properties.
Now, let us explore the therapeutic benefits of lemon water for eczema:
> To make your body alkaline– The human body is designed to work best in an alkaline environment. The optimum body pH is 7.35 to 7.45 (slightly alkaline). Body pH refers to the pH of all body fluids, including blood.
Disease just can’t survive in an alkaline body- Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg, Noble laureate
Due to unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle, the body pH shifts towards acidic zone. Increased acidity deprives oxygen supply to the body tissue to affect their functioning. Also, the harmful microbes grow and proliferate in an acidic body. Hence, acute acidic body environment is an open invitation to diseases.
Lemon water can really help here. Well, lemon is a citrus fruit and all the citrus fruits are supposed to be acidic. Then, how come lemon water makes your body alkaline?
Actually, lemon juice is low in sugar and high in alkaline minerals. Sugar is acidic and minerals are alkaline. The alkaline minerals overpower the sugar to bring an overall alkaline effect. When the lemon water enters your body, it ionizes quickly to give more number of anions (negative charge) than cations (positive charge) to make your body alkaline. Hence, drinking lemon water is a tasty and cheap way to make your body alkaline.
The liver and kidney works continuously to get rid of these acidic elements from your body to maintain the desired body pH range. Hence, by making your body alkaline, lemon water indirectly helps to reduce the load of body toxins as well.
> Helps in Liver detoxification– When you drink lemon water in the morning empty stomach, it just kick start your body metabolism. The liver is your body’s filtration system. It is continuously working to filter out the toxins off your body through bowel movements. In case of eczema, the sluggish body metabolism overloads and impairs it. Regularly drinking lemon water can bring amazing results here. Lemon juice contains d-limonene, an antioxidant with potent anti-inflammatory properties. It activates the liver enzymes to accelerate the detoxification process. Also, d-limonene is a fat cleanser. It literally clears the fat sludge from various parts of the body. It cleanses the cholesterol sludge from the gallbladder to avoid the formation of gallstones.
Lemon water stimulates the liver to secrete more bile. Bile is a digestive fluid which aids in digestion of fats and fat soluble vitamins. Also, when this bile flows down, it emulsifies and carries cholesterol and other toxins along to the colon where they are excreted out of your body through bowel movements. Hence, here again it is proven that lemon water can really help improve the functioning of liver and accelerate the process of liver detox.
> Aids in weight loss– In an animal (rat) study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, Nov, 2008- lemons help suppress the diet induced obesity and improve the fat metabolism. Drinking warm lemon water is a popular home remedy for weight loss. It kick start the body metabolism to break down fats more efficiently to reduce the fat accumulation in your body. Also, it contains pectin. Pectin is a polysaccharide- a type of soluble fiber which suppresses the hunger cravings by developing a feeling of fullness.
> Aids in Digestion– The pectin in lemon adds bulk to the food and slows down the speed with which food leaves your stomach. It gives more time for digestion and proper food breakdown. Also, the atomic structure of lemon juice is similar to that of digestive juices in your gut. Hence, lemon water is a natural digestive tonic.
> Reduces inflammation– Inflammation is your immune system’s natural response against the disease causing threats (body wastes, heavy metal toxicity, harmful microbes). Such an inflammatory responses acts as an alarm against the diseases and it is a good thing. The problem arises when the immune system goes out of balance to cause chronic inflammation. As we have discussed, the flavonoids in lemon have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Also, by accelerating the process of body detox, lemons plays a role in reduction in body inflammation.
> Relieves constipation and indigestion– Drinking warm lemon water in the morning is not just a folk remedy to treat constipation. The modern medical science also approves it. The American Cancer Society recommends warm lemon water as an option to alleviate constipation. Chronic constipation has always bothered me and I can say from my own experience that warm lemon water would definitely work for you. If the constipation is too stubborn, it may take more than a few days to work, but don’t give up. Just drink around 16-24 ounces (500-750 ml) of warm water with a full lemon squeezed in it. Then, do a little stretching exercise accompanied by a brisk walk and you would feel an immediate urge for bowel movement.
> Promotes healthy gut bacteria– The pathogens (disease causing microbes) feed on the undigested food in your gut and they love acidic environment. By improving digestion and elimination process, lemon water literally starves those bacteria to kill them off. To add on, it neutralizes the acidic environment. Hence, drinking lemon water is a good way to eliminate bad bacteria from your gut to improve the gut flora.
> For healthy, glowing skin– By assisting in digestion and smooth bowel movements, lemon water makes your skin clear and vibrant from inside.
Clear,glowing skin starts with a healthy, clear gut.
Also, it contains vitamin C and flavonoids- both are potent antioxidants which can neutralize free radicals to combat skin aging and helps in cell regeneration to repair the skin. Vitamin C increases the collagen production. Collagen is a protein which helps to tone up your skin by improving its elasticity.
> Better absorption of food nutrients– As discussed above, lemon water improves digestion and absorption of fat soluble vitamins by stimulating the bile production. Also, the Vitamin C in lemon water aids in better absorption of minerals from the food you eat.
> Immunity booster– Lemon contains vitamin C and flavonoids. Vitamin C is a well researched immune system booster and regulator. Similarly, flavonoids have potent antimicrobial properties to defend your body against harmful microbes.
Drinking warm lemon water reduces phlegm, clears the respiratory channels and relieves cold and flu symptoms.
Lemon water- Hot, Cold or normal temperature
I would recommend warm lemon water. We are drinking lemon water to cleanse the body and promote digestion. Hence, warm water would be more efficient in dissolving and eliminating the toxins- undigested food, harmful microbes, fat and cholesterol deposits, uric acid, heavy metals and other toxins- in comparison to normal cool water.
Well, it doesn’t mean that you should drink how water to further accelerate the detoxification because too hot water can disturb the inner body temperature and can even kill the healthy gut bacteria. On the same terms, you should not drink chilled water because it exerts a shock effect on the digestive system and hampers the digestion process.
How to buy fresh lemons
Always opt for fresh, yellow colored, fully ripe lemons with thin skin. Lemons with thinner skin are juicier than others.
When to drink lemon water
For best benefits, drink lemon water in the morning, empty stomach. Take 2 to 3 cups (around 16-24 ounces) of warm water, squeeze a full size lemon juice in it and drink it.
For additional benefits, you can drink lemon water before the meals as well- half lemon in one cup of water- after the lunch and dinner. Drinking lemon water before the meals would make sure the body pH remains balanced by neutralizing any highly acidic food component. Moreover, it would aid in digestion as well.
Avoid adding any artificial sweetener. You may add a little honey if the tangy taste of lemon is making it uncomfortable for you. But, it is always better to drink plain lemon water without any sweet additives.
Good to know- Lemon juice on Eczema scars
If you are worried about the leftover eczema scars, just try this home remedy- dip a cotton ball in lemon juice, apply it on the scar and leave for 15 minutes. Then, rinse it off. Repeat it twice a day for at least 4 weeks to see if it works for you. It is more of a folk remedy and results can vary from person to person.
Try replacing your morning coffee/ milk tea with a glass of warm lemon water. It is rich in minerals, vitamin C and other potent antioxidants. It hydrates your body well and activates the body metabolism. All the amazing benefits of lemon water for eczema are just waiting for you. Just go for it!!